10.27.12 My Rescuers

27 Oct

Puppy Sofie in shopping cart

My friends, Mojo’s humans, are trying to decide whether to bring a new puppy into their lives.  They are struggling with the decision on many levels.  This made me think about how animals have come into my family over the years and the driving forces behind their adoptions. 

Nikki was my first puppy at 8 weeks of age, and I got her from a breeder because I wanted a Cocker Spaniel puppy, and that is the only way I thought you got one.  I did not know about rescue in those days and my mother told me that dogs from shelters all had 3 legs (it is a long story and probably was her attempt to get me not to keep asking for another pet).  I was in my twenties and learned all about late night feedings and whining and potty runs, down 2 flights of stairs in an apartment.  I got Nikkolette, even though I had 4 cats at the time, because I missed having a dog, and had just had major back surgery and had a need for the attention and unconditional love that a dog gives.  She was part of my recovery.  Nikki was with me through out-of-state moves, purchases of new homes, the birth of my daughter, divorce, remarriage, step kids, more cats, and, in her last years, the addition of my first rescue, Squash E Bear.  18 years is a long time.

Squash E Bear was already middle aged when he rescued us. Nikki must have been 17. I wish that I could have seen Squash as a puppy, but he was such a spry 5 or 7-year-old.  V and the kids found him on the road and none of us ever looked back.  He softened the blow when Nikki passed over and forced me to exercise several times a day, no matter how much my body hurt, because, he needed to walk and I needed him.  If you have read the blog you know that he will always be my Soul-Dog.  He rescued the whole family in magical ways.

Louise was about 5 or 6 months (that is still a puppy – right?) when we brought this terrified little mess home to be Squashes eyes (he had gone blind from the diabetes).  I thought it would help him stay connected in his dark world and she absolutely did.  He was probably about 9 or 10 when she came.  To this day she likes to take other dogs leads and walk them.   She was there for me when Squash passed over. So the walking continued and though it was just her and me now, we started to find our rhythm.  She continues to teach me a different view of the world from one who is shy and fearful and gives me unconditional love and devotion.

I was mourning the loss of Squash so much, and for some reason my back had taken an unexpected turn so I was laid up for a few months, at which time V thought maybe I needed a puppy to brighten my heart and get me out of bed.  Hence how we found the ever-loving, Miss Sofie Bear.  She was supposed to be a Collie/Shepard (kind of like Squash) but turned out to be a Sheltie/Corgie or something like that – so unique and so wonderful.  She was about 14 or 16 weeks, who knows with rescues.  And there she is (pic above) on her ‘Gotcha Day,’ in a cart at Home Depot with me.  My little sausage patty, who is always happy and smiling and wants a tummy rub.

Each of my dogs came to me at different times in my life, for different reasons, and I am so blessed by every one of my animals and the lessons they teach me. 

So why did you get your puppy?

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on October 27, 2012 in Dogs


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21 responses to “10.27.12 My Rescuers

  1. jmgoyder

    October 27, 2012 at 05:09

    What an absolutely beautiful post and a glimpse into your life.


    • dogdaz

      October 27, 2012 at 15:22

      Thank you. You always write so heartfelt and touching posts, I on the other hand hide behind the animals as a shield for my emotions. I am learning. You are a good teacher.


  2. Genevieve Petrillo

    October 27, 2012 at 06:23

    Cupcake was also a heart healer after I lost my 16 year old Smoki. Who has time to be sad when there’s a tornado in the house??


    • dogdaz

      October 27, 2012 at 15:20

      Keeping busy is a big key to not dwelling on the pain of loss. A tornado…. good name for Cupcake: Miss Cyclone.


  3. katiebblogs

    October 27, 2012 at 08:41

    Wonderful post.

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig


    • dogdaz

      October 27, 2012 at 15:19

      Thank you piggy.


  4. Tya Khan

    October 27, 2012 at 10:41

    Loved ur post, i got Pepsi back in 2004 Sep, almost two years after my mom;s death. me n my dad had completely gone into our shells and stopped communicating, didnt know how to console eachother or talk about it. Pepsi brought us closer again and opened us up. we became more verbal even if it was only to talk about her food and all, eventually we started to talk about more stuff and things for normal. So i really give it to pepsi for gettin me and my dad out of that state. 8 years have passed and she still is my bundle of support:)
    Coffee i got mid july 2012, so it hasnt been much time with her, still shez won my and my husband’s heart, even though now after so many years if feels a lil tiring to cater to her puppyhood since she is just 6.5 months right now, but its fun too 🙂
    I love them to bits 😀


    • dogdaz

      October 27, 2012 at 15:19

      It is amazing the effect that an animal can have on bringing humans together and out of depression and other things. Coffee will keep growing on you. Yes, it is fun.


  5. Savannah's Paw Tracks

    October 27, 2012 at 10:58

    Our fur family heals so many wounds and we try to heal theirs too…simpatico!


    • dogdaz

      October 27, 2012 at 15:17

      Absolutely. It works both ways.


  6. Misty Shores Chesapeakes

    October 27, 2012 at 11:49

    Great post! I love reading how animals come into peoples lives.

    As I look back I have actually had many dogs and cats and all have come in to my life for one reason or another but the main thing is that they came when they should. Meaning I guess that it was the right time for the both of us and sometimes it was when I least expected it 🙂

    Oh yes anything under a year is still a puppy unless of course you are talking retrievers and then they have adult bodies by a year but puppy brains until they are 3 or 4 years old…lol


  7. oldsunbird

    October 27, 2012 at 17:25

    After losing so many of my relatives and friends, I needed someone to love and care for. That’s why I got my last five dogs. Had many before that for other reasons. They’ve all been wonderful members of my family. I love them all, living and dead.


    • dogdaz

      October 27, 2012 at 19:40

      How wonderful. I look forward to the story of each one. Thanks for the comment.


  8. Jessica

    October 28, 2012 at 12:53

    My hubby and I adopted Taylor a few weeks after our Hopper passed away. The hurt I was feeling was unbearable, and Taylor seemed to lighten the heaviness in my heart overnight.
    Why take medication…adopt a dog instead! 😉


    • dogdaz

      October 28, 2012 at 14:29

      That is a great way to look at it.


  9. Savannah's Paw Tracks

    October 28, 2012 at 19:05

    well I am a cat. ANd Mom and Dad got me to foster cuz they knew as scared as I was no one would adopt me and I had already been in shelters for over a year. Then after a month, they knew I had a long road to recovery…and I snuggled with them at night and purred…and we all fell in love…the end


    • dogdaz

      October 28, 2012 at 19:20

      … actually, it sounds like the beginning of a wonderful tale.
