12.6.12 Thankful Thursday

06 Dec

Thankful-Thursday-Logo-2-150x150If it is Thursday, then it must be Thankful Thursday Blog Hop day.  I am hopping this from PepsiSmartDog’s Smart Dog Blog. Pepsi seems like a well educated dog, so go check out the site. 

Last week was Thanksgiving holiday in the US, and I know that I said thank you to all my readers and for all the wonderful things that I am thankful for, but the truth is, every day that I wake up I am thankful.  I do not think that I ever stop feeling blessed by this wonderful life that I have.  My great family, the animals that surround me, my great neighborhood, my friends, my health, my job…. I am just one very lucky person.  But since this is an animal blog, I think that I need to look at it from their side.  So let me ask some of them:

2012-05-23_15-07-44_791Louise:  I am thankful that I have a family that loves me and protects me; a Mom who understands that I am afraid of a lot of things and doesn’t make me deal with the world any more than I really can.  I am also really thankful for being able to get up on the den couch.

Sofie: I am thankful for my sister Louise, and for my cats (that I love to chase), all my toys, and especially for my lovey, Beaver.

2012-11-09_13-17-00_55Noel:  I am thankful for the nice warm spot that Mom leaves in her bed in the morning, so that I can crawl in it and sleep the rest of the day.

2012-10-17_13-06-38_346Stella:  I am thankful for a bed to hide under.

What are you thankful for today?

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on December 6, 2012 in Cats, Dogs


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8 responses to “12.6.12 Thankful Thursday

  1. Will and Eko

    December 6, 2012 at 00:36

    It’s good to wake up every day thankful – for the big things, the little things and the four-legged things!


    • dogdaz

      December 6, 2012 at 05:47

      Absolutely. Usually, it is the 4-legged things that wake me. LOL


  2. heyitsjethere

    December 6, 2012 at 07:34

    Hey DogDaz Gang, Jet here.

    Oh we enjoyed reading this list, yes we did… we can relate at Casa Jetty! I’m grateful Mom understands all the anxiety I have and helps me deal with it the best I can. JJ’s grateful she joined Casa Jet this past year.

    Gratitude makes the world so much richer. 🙂


    • dogdaz

      December 6, 2012 at 07:37

      You are so right Jet. We did not realize you were anxious too, it never shows. We are thankful for blog friends like you. 🙂


  3. Vicki Flaherty

    December 6, 2012 at 08:42



    • dogdaz

      December 6, 2012 at 08:55



  4. themisadventuresofmisaki

    December 6, 2012 at 09:19

    I am thankful for snow! Though I wish it wasn’t melting:-(


    • dogdaz

      December 6, 2012 at 09:24

      It has been very warm but it got cold today so we know the snow if coming. We like to eat snow.
