Tag Archives: dog pools

8.7.12 A Noon Dip

It has been so hot here in the Mid-Atlantic. The truth is it is not so much the heat as the humidity. The dogs and I try to go for a walk early in the day so as not to be out in the worst part of the heat, but that is not always possible because of my work schedule.  We were lucky enough to be passing Louise’s bff Amy’s house around noon and she invited us to jump in her dog pool.  Aren’t we lucky dogs!  Sofie absolutely loves to lie in the water all the way to her head.  She is like an alligator.  Louise won’t lie down in it much but she sure likes to splash.  They had a super time and it really helped them cool off.
My only trouble was when the three of them start to rough-house.  I think I have told you before that Louise has been chewing on Amy’s ears since they were puppy’s together (they met when they were 5/6 months).  I am not sure what that is about, but she always goes for her ears, like she is going to pierce them for her.  Sofie tries to join in and it kind of seems like a gang up, but it is not. So the three of them come running to the pool at full speed and smash right into my knee, at which point, I hear it go….. ‘poop!’   I am Ok, but it knocked the wind out of me for a few minutes and I limped home.  Nothing like 180 lbs of dog ( 70 lb (Amy) + 60 lb (Lulu) + 50 lb (Sofie)) sideswiping me at the same time.  I wish Amy had a hot-tub instead of a dog pool.  Wouldn’t that feel nice on a sore knee? (Well, maybe not in the summer heat.) Oh, and an added bonus was that Amy’s Mother rinsed them off with the hose before we left, so they were partially dry by the time we got home and didn’t smell terribly like ‘wet-dog.’  How wonderful is that!

A fun time was had by all – even me.  They really do love when they see Amy.  And I love when they spend 30 minutes in hard dog play and then sleep well for the rest of the hot day.

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on August 7, 2012 in Dogs


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