Tag Archives: Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday: The Beg Is On

No, we did not teach Jolie to do this. She has done this for as long as she has been with us. She can sit that way for a very long time. Usually, she is staring me down because she wants food, a walk, more food, or my attention. And, 99% of the time, she wins because I cannot resist that face!

What are you thankful for today?

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on June 13, 2024 in Dogs


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Thankful Thursday: Loving Life

Our day starts like any other, with me, Mini Cooper, and BEARnard, rolling on the floor waiting for breakfast.

Then Beary and I get to spend some time in the sun.

We spend a good amount of time looking out the windows so we can bark at squirrels and other intruders.

We like to go on our daily walks, no matter what the weather.

We spend time waiting for Mom to return from wherever she goes.

We like to be together and cuddle and talk with each other.

Mom likes to read with us on her lap and to look out the window and watch the world go by, just like we do.

And we spend most of our time sleeping the day away in Mom’s office.

We love our life and we are sooooo grateful that we get to spend our days this way.

How do you spend your days? – Always, Jolie

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on April 18, 2024 in Dogs


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Thankful Thursday: Thank You Everyone !

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This is part of the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop from


Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on December 26, 2013 in Dogs


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12.13.12 Thankful Thursday: Fur Family


Every day I wake up in a heap of cats.  For that I am thankful.  Then I open the kennel doors and I am slobbered and licked and tail whipped good morning, and for that I am thankful. There is no where that I go in my home that I am not accompanied by some four legged furry, and for that I am thankful.  How totally different my life would be without my fur family.  Since about 5 years old (which was a very very long time ago), I have always had fur family.  And, for that, I am thankful.  There are so many positive things that I get from my pets.  They comfort me when I am blue.  They are my walking partners.  They make sure that I do not forget to do my chores (or they will do them for me: like cleaning the litter boxes in a way that I do not think is acceptable or licking the dirty dishes clean).  They give me smiles on a rainy day and provide me hugs.  They make me get up from the computer and go outside to feel the breeze.  And, so importantly, they make me laugh (especially Louise).  Life with furry family is wonderful to me.

We are thankful for you too Mom!

We are thankful for you too Mom!


This is part of the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop from “Hey, Its Jet Here.”

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on December 13, 2012 in Dogs


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12.6.12 Thankful Thursday

Thankful-Thursday-Logo-2-150x150If it is Thursday, then it must be Thankful Thursday Blog Hop day.  I am hopping this from PepsiSmartDog’s Smart Dog Blog. Pepsi seems like a well educated dog, so go check out the site. 

Last week was Thanksgiving holiday in the US, and I know that I said thank you to all my readers and for all the wonderful things that I am thankful for, but the truth is, every day that I wake up I am thankful.  I do not think that I ever stop feeling blessed by this wonderful life that I have.  My great family, the animals that surround me, my great neighborhood, my friends, my health, my job…. I am just one very lucky person.  But since this is an animal blog, I think that I need to look at it from their side.  So let me ask some of them:

2012-05-23_15-07-44_791Louise:  I am thankful that I have a family that loves me and protects me; a Mom who understands that I am afraid of a lot of things and doesn’t make me deal with the world any more than I really can.  I am also really thankful for being able to get up on the den couch.

Sofie: I am thankful for my sister Louise, and for my cats (that I love to chase), all my toys, and especially for my lovey, Beaver.

2012-11-09_13-17-00_55Noel:  I am thankful for the nice warm spot that Mom leaves in her bed in the morning, so that I can crawl in it and sleep the rest of the day.

2012-10-17_13-06-38_346Stella:  I am thankful for a bed to hide under.

What are you thankful for today?

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on December 6, 2012 in Cats, Dogs


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