Tag Archives: papillon mix

Wonderful Wednesday: Let’s Go For A Walk

You may not be able to tell, but we are bored. Mommy works too much and we always have to ‘hang out.’ We want to play more, run more, eat more, do more things, but nooooooo. We have to wait. Life as a dog can be very boring.

But we forget all about being bored when Mom finally takes us for a walk.

Now that is fun! We love to walk.

Have a wonderful walking Wednesday.

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on May 1, 2024 in Dogs


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Thankful Thursday: Loving Life

Our day starts like any other, with me, Mini Cooper, and BEARnard, rolling on the floor waiting for breakfast.

Then Beary and I get to spend some time in the sun.

We spend a good amount of time looking out the windows so we can bark at squirrels and other intruders.

We like to go on our daily walks, no matter what the weather.

We spend time waiting for Mom to return from wherever she goes.

We like to be together and cuddle and talk with each other.

Mom likes to read with us on her lap and to look out the window and watch the world go by, just like we do.

And we spend most of our time sleeping the day away in Mom’s office.

We love our life and we are sooooo grateful that we get to spend our days this way.

How do you spend your days? – Always, Jolie

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on April 18, 2024 in Dogs


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DogDaz Zoo: Fantastic Friday

We got hair/fur cuts. Aren’t we gorgeous?

This is my glamour pose

BEARnard is such a manly man. He could be a centerfold in a magazine.

Mom says we are the cutest team in the world and loves how we help her in the office. Bearnard can be pretty silly at times (but of course I am the perfect lady).

Do you like getting your hairs done? We like it when it is over.

Have a fantastic Friday – Jolie the Magnificant


Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on April 11, 2024 in Animals


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Monday Mischief: Weather Whiplash

Bearnard here – I can tell you that I am not used to snow days. Actually, I don’t think I ever saw the white stuff before. Being Littles, the snow is right up to our bellies. And worse than the snow on the ground was the Arctic freeze. Mom would not let us outside without our sweaters on because it was -9 degrees with the wind chill and she was afraid that we would become pupsicles. The snow was wet and stuck to Jolie’s hair in clumps. Lucky me, my fur is thick and resilient.

What a week of snow and ice it was, but then it changed to 75 degrees and foggy. I am happy that we were able to go for long walks in the grass again, even though there were still some snow banks left over from the days before. Now everything is wet and muddy (including our bellies), but puddles are fun for me. Sadly, Jolie hates the rain and the puddles because of her burned paws, but she does it.

Mom says this weather reminds her of some science fiction books where planets have such varying temperatures between night and day that the humans have to be prepared to freeze when the sun(s) go down and roast when the sun(s) rise. I do hope we don’t get to that point. Was it too cold to play outside by you, too? – Your friend, BearBear

What kind of mischief did you get into today?

V took that great picture of the bluebird and the squirrel tail by the feeder. Those critters sure did eat a lot during the storm days. 

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on January 29, 2024 in Dogs


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Wonderful Wednesday: Thankful Beg-a-thon

Mom says I am the Queen of Begging. Especially when there is really really really good-smelling stuff to beg for.

Can you find me trying to sneak onto the table? (pic by K8 – thx)

My Aunt B asked Mom why every picture of us looked like we were asking for food? That’s because we always are.

We hope you got all the turkey and fixings of your dreams. Now Mom is getting ready for the next holiday cook – potato latkes!

Did you know that Mom has a food blog?  You can find many of her gluten-free, dairy-free, and occasionally vegan recipes there (Peanut was vegan for 6 years but now is Pescatarian). Why doesn’t Mom have her dog food recipes there? We want to know!

– Jolie Olie the Queen of Begging (don’t tell Noel because she is the Queen of Everything).

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on November 29, 2023 in Dogs


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DogDaz Zoo: Turkey Time

Mom wasn’t ready to put the gorilla away, so he became a pilgrim for Thanksgiving. Wishing everyone a wonderful turkey time. This time of year is when we need to really think about those things that we are thankful for and let the people we care about know that we care about them.

We are thankful for all of you! 

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on November 17, 2023 in Animals


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Wonderful Wednesday: Time to LEAF

Jolie here – Big tree has decided it is time to pick up and LEAVE all over the yard. Mom and V sweep and rake and sweep and rake but the trees just keep leaving.

We are actually having fun in the crunchy leaves but they get stuck to my beard and I carry them everywhere.

Good thing that Bearnard is so little or someone would mistake him for a baby black bear this time of year.

We hope you are enjoying the colors that come with the chill. Happy November.

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤

Comments Off on Wonderful Wednesday: Time to LEAF

Posted by on November 1, 2023 in Dogs


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Wonderful Wednesday: Noel, the Dog?

Dementia does interesting things to animals. It appears that Noel at almost 17, has decided that she is a dog. Don’t get me wrong, she screams like a cat, constantly and continually, but she is behaving more and more like a dog.

She waits at the top of the stairs with them (Bearnard is hidden next to Jolie). Many times she is there by herself.

She even tried to join in when the dogs were playing with their Snuffle mats (and luckily they just ignored her). The Littles are not in the least bit food aggressive, so Noel being close does not cause a ruckus (thank goodness!)

She has taken over Charles’ spot (our recently deceased PomChi) on the couch and now, I guess she is just running with the pack.

Mini Cooper on the other hand finds the dogs ridiculous!

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on October 25, 2023 in Dogs


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Wonderful Wednesday: My Hands Are Full

The plan was not to have multiple little dogs on my lap all the time. Bearnard was supposed to be on the couch with V. But now Noel has taken Charles’s spot on the couch, and Mr. “I don’t want to be left out of anything,” is always trying to hog my lap (to Jolie’s dismay).

A CAT ONLY moment.

It really is crazy when Mini Cooper joins in and Noel scratches for attention from the side of the recliner.

This is why I always say you should not have more pets than you have hands. And even though we have 4 hands in this house, they all want my 2 at the same time.

They are definitely, a HAND-FULL.

Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on October 11, 2023 in Dogs


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Wonderful Wednesday: Jolie Isn’t Sure About Him

Jolie is a Mama’s girl. After over a year (she came to us in July 2022) of not having to share Mom very much, because Charles wasn’t really a lap guy and the cats don’t count, she is not sure she likes this new dog.

I am guessing that her 6-1/2 years of living in a cage with other dogs made her into the ‘must get every scrap of food I can’ kind of dog. She wants all the food and all the cookies and all my time. She is not food or resource-aggressive at all, just pushy.

Now that Bearnard is here, Jolie is not sure about this whole ‘other’ dog thing, Though she does run and bark with him around the yard and at the door. She also has found that he is very food selective so he drops a lot of the treats he is given, which she quickly swoops in and eats. She does like that about him.

Having to share Mom’s lap is still questionable, but she is working on it. There really is no choice since, Mr. Zoom around the house, jump and spin, Bearnard, doesn’t understand boundaries very well yet. She is teaching him with a growl and a push.

Mom thinks over time (it has only been 3 weeks) they are going to be the bestest of friends. We will keep you posted.


Just another DogDaz morning at the zoo ❤


Posted by on September 27, 2023 in Dogs


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